"... the doctor mentioned that I might have to go for a second surgery because..."
I believe the doc recognized the onset of uncontrollable fits of giggles if she did not immediately stop what she was doing -- so she did. I managed to act my age and not burst out laughing.
God, it never gets any easier. Perhaps when my boobs shrinks down to flaps of skin is when I will no longer find it funny when someone pinches and squeezes my nipples.
Annual physicals, don't we all love them?
They make you put on a gown, usually made out of paper, with armpit cutouts big enough to fit a thigh through, why bother being modest? But I still fumbled with the little string, trying to tie up the make shift robe when my breasts are still visible from the sides. Hey it kept me warm.
It wasn't long until the next embarrassing moment. As part of the examination, skin is being evaluated. First for me.
"Okay, take off the gown. I need to check your skin so I need to see all of you."
Already... ... so I tried to act as if disrobing in front of strangers is norm for me. I had to do a little twirl too! Maybe next time I'll imagine myself posing for art students instead. Perhaps that'll help. I don't know many people who are completely at ease with baring it all.
"You are in perfect health. See you next year!" With those parting words marked the end of my annual exam for 2006.
You know the drill..
- get into the doc's office
- wait for name to be called
- rummage through the stacks of magazines
- read an article
- whohoooo!! you are called
- get into a smaller room
- wait for nurse
- rummage through the smaller stack of magazines
- wish you brought your own reading material
- read several more articles
- whoohooo!! nurse comes in
- you are informed the doc will be in soon, get naked and into the gown
- back to rummaging through magazines
- again, really wishing you brought other stuff to read
- finally found a good article to read
- half way through the article the doc shows up
- usually 10 minutes later you are out of there with $35 dollar less in the pocket
I'll live for another year.
Halloween, another annual thing.
It's been a long while since I dished out teeth rotting sweets to young children. The act of giving does release some endorphins. I was giddy with joy when I see the kids walk up to the door. Rushing down, I got there even before little monsters had the chance to ring the bell. Quickly, the candy in the bowl diminished. By 7pm, I was out of goodies. Feeling bad, I ran out to CVS to lug back enough candy to induce root canals. But my efforts went unappreciated. Only 4 more kiddies came by the house.
So here I am, with a bag of candy ready for next year's Halloween.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Sunday, October 29, 2006

A boy, a dragon, and adventures that span deserts and kingdoms. Cross into land of elves, dwarfs and thrown into battles of good versus evil. What's not to like!
Hmm.. this book to me is a marriage between Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. 5 stars for it. A good book to me is one that makes me feel and see. I felt the sand whip across my face as I soar through the air on the back of a scaly dragon. I stood amongst the elves waiting, waiting for the imminent attacks of the Urgals.
What impressed me the most is that it was written by a boy at the age of fifteen. Now that's an inspiration.
If you like epic adventures checkout the book and start on the journey.
For more information on the book or the author go to: http://www.alagaesia.com
Now I hope the movie will do the book justice.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Fanfiction - Thank You
I've been busy lately. Fine. I've been lazy lately. Well, I shouldn't be so hard on myself, so sue me if I like reading fanfiction over doing work. Doesn't everyone? If not, then please do yourselves a favor, venture out and read some internet fiction. Like published works, there are some mediocre ones, some really bad ones, and then you hit the jackpot with the ones that grab you with the first sentence and keep you awake way past your bedtime.
I hit a jackpot this week. Found another author whose work I enjoyed immensely. I liked her novel so much that I even wrote an e-mail to thank her for sharing the stories. Hmm... she would be the 5th author that I wrote to thank. After reading so many stories, I have to say the yearning to write one myself is strong. To think about writing is one thing, to actually have something to write about is another.
I like to read the authors interviews on how they go about writing their story. A lot of them says the characters come to them. I think that'll be the way for me. I would have to be able to see the characters or the storyline play out in my head first than to conjure up something from thin air. Maybe my dreams can help me out. They are pretty intense most of the time, battle vampires, slaying monsters, chasing evil warlords and rescuing the world. Think I have a hero's complex?
The little scratch pad that I bought while I was in Taiwan holds a lot of my notes. Like a little journal/note book. Everyone should carry a pencil and a notepad around. Especially, for one as forgetful as me. That's the main reason I painstakingly write, scan, and take pictures. For my memory is not to be trusted. I am afraid if I don't do some type of recording, I wouldn't remember what my life was like, what I was like.
Anyways, I digress. To all the fanfiction writers out there, big thanks to you all for creating such lively characters and for taking me on journeys across time and space.
Write on!!
I hit a jackpot this week. Found another author whose work I enjoyed immensely. I liked her novel so much that I even wrote an e-mail to thank her for sharing the stories. Hmm... she would be the 5th author that I wrote to thank. After reading so many stories, I have to say the yearning to write one myself is strong. To think about writing is one thing, to actually have something to write about is another.
I like to read the authors interviews on how they go about writing their story. A lot of them says the characters come to them. I think that'll be the way for me. I would have to be able to see the characters or the storyline play out in my head first than to conjure up something from thin air. Maybe my dreams can help me out. They are pretty intense most of the time, battle vampires, slaying monsters, chasing evil warlords and rescuing the world. Think I have a hero's complex?
The little scratch pad that I bought while I was in Taiwan holds a lot of my notes. Like a little journal/note book. Everyone should carry a pencil and a notepad around. Especially, for one as forgetful as me. That's the main reason I painstakingly write, scan, and take pictures. For my memory is not to be trusted. I am afraid if I don't do some type of recording, I wouldn't remember what my life was like, what I was like.
Anyways, I digress. To all the fanfiction writers out there, big thanks to you all for creating such lively characters and for taking me on journeys across time and space.
Write on!!
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Blood Work
It's that time of the year. The annual physical exam. Hopefully one of the rare times where you actually pay strangers to checkout your most intimate parts.
But, alas, I am getting ahead of myself. Before the detail examination, comes the blood taking.
I woke up late this morning. My cellphone alarm failed me. The appointment was at 8am. I didn't get to the doc's office until 8:25am. I wasn't that worried because most of the time they make you wait at least 45 minutes, sitting in a room with a bunch of patients like yourself, avoiding direct eye contact and desperately trying to find a worthy magazine to pass the time.
I brought Eragon with me but didn't get to it as I was called in within 5 minutes after arrival. It's good to have early appointments, that or it's a really slow day. Cotton ball with rubbing alcohol wipes across my skin as I watch the Quest lady prepped me for the needle. I notice that in this last 2 years, I make sure that I watch as the needle goes into my vein. Perhaps it's getting older, but I want to avoid turning into one of those people that get squeamish when it comes to needles and blood. So I watched as the red liquid shoots into two little vials tagged with my name, capped and ready for the labs. Next, comes the urine sample. I hate peeing into a cup. Why? Why the hell not! Most of the time I end up peeing on my hand. Sigh. Oh they also should remind patients not to pee before they come into appointments. Good thing I still had some left in the bladder. Holding the cup, I noticed something. The little cup had a notch! Yah, it's got a built in notch so that it makes it easier to pure into the tube. My entrepreneur mind kicks in and asks, "I wonder how much money they are making off this little improvement?"
I felt awkward handing my urine to some stranger. I mean what do you say? There you go! I did it! Here take it! I think I ended up saying, "uhmmm here .. " She took it. But I noticed she still had gloves on.
Then I was handed an envelope.
"One more thing", she said. "We'll need a stool sample. All the instructions are in the packet with a self addressed envelope to mail the samples in."
I was intrigued, "Oh, this is much different, usually they ask for samples in the big jars." No idea why I wanted to discuss my previous stool sample experiences with her but it came out.
"Oh yes, those test more items, the ones you are doing tests for things like blood in stool etc." She then laughs, "The other ones are fun aren't they? Remember what your mama told chu when you were young? Uh huhhhh.. don't play with those!"
I cracked up laughing. Who knew talking about stool samples can be so much fun.
But, alas, I am getting ahead of myself. Before the detail examination, comes the blood taking.
I woke up late this morning. My cellphone alarm failed me. The appointment was at 8am. I didn't get to the doc's office until 8:25am. I wasn't that worried because most of the time they make you wait at least 45 minutes, sitting in a room with a bunch of patients like yourself, avoiding direct eye contact and desperately trying to find a worthy magazine to pass the time.
I brought Eragon with me but didn't get to it as I was called in within 5 minutes after arrival. It's good to have early appointments, that or it's a really slow day. Cotton ball with rubbing alcohol wipes across my skin as I watch the Quest lady prepped me for the needle. I notice that in this last 2 years, I make sure that I watch as the needle goes into my vein. Perhaps it's getting older, but I want to avoid turning into one of those people that get squeamish when it comes to needles and blood. So I watched as the red liquid shoots into two little vials tagged with my name, capped and ready for the labs. Next, comes the urine sample. I hate peeing into a cup. Why? Why the hell not! Most of the time I end up peeing on my hand. Sigh. Oh they also should remind patients not to pee before they come into appointments. Good thing I still had some left in the bladder. Holding the cup, I noticed something. The little cup had a notch! Yah, it's got a built in notch so that it makes it easier to pure into the tube. My entrepreneur mind kicks in and asks, "I wonder how much money they are making off this little improvement?"
I felt awkward handing my urine to some stranger. I mean what do you say? There you go! I did it! Here take it! I think I ended up saying, "uhmmm here .. " She took it. But I noticed she still had gloves on.
Then I was handed an envelope.
"One more thing", she said. "We'll need a stool sample. All the instructions are in the packet with a self addressed envelope to mail the samples in."
I was intrigued, "Oh, this is much different, usually they ask for samples in the big jars." No idea why I wanted to discuss my previous stool sample experiences with her but it came out.
"Oh yes, those test more items, the ones you are doing tests for things like blood in stool etc." She then laughs, "The other ones are fun aren't they? Remember what your mama told chu when you were young? Uh huhhhh.. don't play with those!"
I cracked up laughing. Who knew talking about stool samples can be so much fun.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Do You Think We Are Deaf!!!!!!
All these networks are now showing episodes of prime time TV shows on the web. I love it. There's limited commercials and the quality is decent. The best perk is that it's on demand. You can watch the missed episodes whenever you want. TiVo watch out. But for crying out loud does, the freaking commercials have to turn up the volume enough to shake the windows? Good God!!! Yo commercial people listen up! Your viewing audience for the most part are not hard of hearing and if you think by ruining our ear drums are going to persuade us from buying your product, you are dead wrong.
Do you know what I do when the commercials come on? I move my little mouse as fast as I can to the mute button so that I can turn off the offending noise and then I switch focus to my other browser windows until the commercials are over.
So please, if you actually want the viewers to watch the dam clips, make it so that at least it's bearable to be in the same room when they are playing.
Do you know what I do when the commercials come on? I move my little mouse as fast as I can to the mute button so that I can turn off the offending noise and then I switch focus to my other browser windows until the commercials are over.
So please, if you actually want the viewers to watch the dam clips, make it so that at least it's bearable to be in the same room when they are playing.
Friday, October 06, 2006
Sex and Food
Daytime job was almost nonexistent today. My mind was just not on looking at XML and troubleshooting, thus the day ended quite early for me - 5ish. Then began the 2 hour cooking session. Been out of practice with cooking and this time I really wanted to make some good dishes to treat my cousin and her hubby. I wasn't disappointed. Two hours and many cutting, chopping, stirring, frying, and washing, later I had an island full of dishes.
Dinner was great but wayyy to much food. Very little self control, we humans are. The more food that's available the more we feel the need to eat. I was punished for the gluttony I was still feeling full hours later. But interesting topics came up during dinner. I forgot how we got on the subject but ooh.. wait I remember, I mentioned that I saw Pornocoupia, a HBO late night 'documentary', on HBO last night. That then spawned a whole slew of interesting discussions from how much porno video stars make to size of a man's mini-me.
'Documentary' or not, I was very surprised by several things while watching:
1 - Porno video stars can make up to 10k a month. Wholly crap!!
2 - Another thing that stood out (heheh) well is that during the porn clips, I mean 'documentary', you only see full nudity of the women and not the men. Even though they show some serious intimate closeups but the men's member is always blocked out strategically, say by someone's head, a setting prop, cameras etc..
3 - Most of the women they interviewed are very forthcoming and funny. One of the best line from the episode was '... on the set everyone is waiting for lunch .. ' in the context of the conversation on how the pressure is on the men. They really need to perform on the spot to not delay everyone else.
4 - There's a whole community of people selling webcast subscriptions of home-made porn and making six figures a year! Wholly crap again! Isn't that illegal?
Anyways.... food and sex, they do seem to go together right?
Dinner was great but wayyy to much food. Very little self control, we humans are. The more food that's available the more we feel the need to eat. I was punished for the gluttony I was still feeling full hours later. But interesting topics came up during dinner. I forgot how we got on the subject but ooh.. wait I remember, I mentioned that I saw Pornocoupia, a HBO late night 'documentary', on HBO last night. That then spawned a whole slew of interesting discussions from how much porno video stars make to size of a man's mini-me.
'Documentary' or not, I was very surprised by several things while watching:
1 - Porno video stars can make up to 10k a month. Wholly crap!!
2 - Another thing that stood out (heheh) well is that during the porn clips, I mean 'documentary', you only see full nudity of the women and not the men. Even though they show some serious intimate closeups but the men's member is always blocked out strategically, say by someone's head, a setting prop, cameras etc..
3 - Most of the women they interviewed are very forthcoming and funny. One of the best line from the episode was '... on the set everyone is waiting for lunch .. ' in the context of the conversation on how the pressure is on the men. They really need to perform on the spot to not delay everyone else.
4 - There's a whole community of people selling webcast subscriptions of home-made porn and making six figures a year! Wholly crap again! Isn't that illegal?
Anyways.... food and sex, they do seem to go together right?
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
No Bites
Kinda disappointed that no new employers or headhunters viewed my resume. The count still remains at 3 ladies and gentlemen.
Work was not particular productive today. I started out at 10 am due to sleeping late last night. Then the weather was so nice that I ran around the house opening all the windows to let the cold air out. Yes, let the freezing cold air out of the house in exchange for perhaps the last pleasant warm breeze of the season. Mid afternoon I read about 2 more uber fictions from the top 25 list of the week. Then I really got restless so it was an hour walk with pit stop at the library. Came back did maybe 20 minutes of work and it was time to cook.
Let's just say the best concoction I made tonight was the fruit yogurt smoothie. Loosing my chef's skills there from lack of cooking in the past 4 months.
At 9:30, the brainstorming weekly session kicked off. We came up with some good ideas but to my dismay most of the ones I though of were already implemented. Darn them!!!!!!! Others require substantial time and money, something none of us has right now.. so the search continues.
Sometime between 2 am and 3 am, I heard the song Everything by Lifehouse (heck, look at that, there's a fan site for a song..) playing from my iTunes. Must have been a freebie at some point. Immediately, scenes from Xena played back in my head. "This is a great song for a Xena video!!!", my inner voice glees. So I had to print the lyrics out and listened to it again to jot down notes for my future production of a Xena video. Perhaps I can submit it into the contest and get some recognition.. but that's if I ever get around to making the dam thing.
Afterwards, I listed to more Lifehouse songs and had the urge to play my guitar to the music. I don't know how to pay the guitar, but still, strumming along..
And that's how I end up sleeping at 5ish in the morning.
Work was not particular productive today. I started out at 10 am due to sleeping late last night. Then the weather was so nice that I ran around the house opening all the windows to let the cold air out. Yes, let the freezing cold air out of the house in exchange for perhaps the last pleasant warm breeze of the season. Mid afternoon I read about 2 more uber fictions from the top 25 list of the week. Then I really got restless so it was an hour walk with pit stop at the library. Came back did maybe 20 minutes of work and it was time to cook.
Let's just say the best concoction I made tonight was the fruit yogurt smoothie. Loosing my chef's skills there from lack of cooking in the past 4 months.
At 9:30, the brainstorming weekly session kicked off. We came up with some good ideas but to my dismay most of the ones I though of were already implemented. Darn them!!!!!!! Others require substantial time and money, something none of us has right now.. so the search continues.
Sometime between 2 am and 3 am, I heard the song Everything by Lifehouse (heck, look at that, there's a fan site for a song..) playing from my iTunes. Must have been a freebie at some point. Immediately, scenes from Xena played back in my head. "This is a great song for a Xena video!!!", my inner voice glees. So I had to print the lyrics out and listened to it again to jot down notes for my future production of a Xena video. Perhaps I can submit it into the contest and get some recognition.. but that's if I ever get around to making the dam thing.
Afterwards, I listed to more Lifehouse songs and had the urge to play my guitar to the music. I don't know how to pay the guitar, but still, strumming along..
And that's how I end up sleeping at 5ish in the morning.
Monday, October 02, 2006
More School Shootings?
What the F@!K is going on in this world!!? Another shooting in schools and this time the victims little girls were shot execution style. What is wrong with these people!
This past weeks has just been one shooting after one another on school grounds.. is anyone else concerned that psychos are now using schools as butcher shops?
Gun control.. that's one thing that comes to mind. Will the law makers pass stricter laws around owning guns or obtaining them? Will we now have the schools in lock down mode or post guards to keep out crazies?
Will the kids ever feel safe in public places again? What about that room where the carnage took place? How will they treat it who would want to ever step into that room again?
This world we live in contains some really messed up people.
This past weeks has just been one shooting after one another on school grounds.. is anyone else concerned that psychos are now using schools as butcher shops?
Gun control.. that's one thing that comes to mind. Will the law makers pass stricter laws around owning guns or obtaining them? Will we now have the schools in lock down mode or post guards to keep out crazies?
Will the kids ever feel safe in public places again? What about that room where the carnage took place? How will they treat it who would want to ever step into that room again?
This world we live in contains some really messed up people.
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Resume Now Public in Monster
Finally! Good golly! For crying out loud! Yeeeeehhhhhaaaa!!!!!!! The sanitized version of my resume is now loaded for public search on Monster!
That only took like 4 years to do. Pathetic.. but it's done. I don't know if I can go through another round of fine tuning the 1 page history of my career. Let's see today is Sunday now.. 5 am in the morning, but I feel accomplished. Wonder how many "bites" will I get on Monday? 0? 1? 100?
After going through your own resume writing process, I think one can't help but to gain a profound admiration for those who can weave beautifully scripted words to highlight their strong points on a piece of paper. I wonder what's the going rate for professional resume writers? What would that be like? To have a job just to work on people's resumes? Would you develop a set of words or phrases that are general enough for each category of professions?
Burr.. It's getting cold.. can't wait to get under the covers. Maybe it's time to pile on the 2nd blanket.. toasty.. that's a good feeling. Toasty.
That only took like 4 years to do. Pathetic.. but it's done. I don't know if I can go through another round of fine tuning the 1 page history of my career. Let's see today is Sunday now.. 5 am in the morning, but I feel accomplished. Wonder how many "bites" will I get on Monday? 0? 1? 100?
After going through your own resume writing process, I think one can't help but to gain a profound admiration for those who can weave beautifully scripted words to highlight their strong points on a piece of paper. I wonder what's the going rate for professional resume writers? What would that be like? To have a job just to work on people's resumes? Would you develop a set of words or phrases that are general enough for each category of professions?
Burr.. It's getting cold.. can't wait to get under the covers. Maybe it's time to pile on the 2nd blanket.. toasty.. that's a good feeling. Toasty.
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