Tuesday, February 19, 2008

How Lazy Are We?

Just read about the Orgasmatron on Gizmodo.

Okay people how freaking lazy can you get!!! $12,000 for a device that will give you instant orgasms? Maybe this mechanism will be the one to kick start a new generation of humans who will view sex as

Future generations of humans will be able to get instant orgasms without all the messiness. Carnal pleasures are made to be so deliciously irresistible for the species so that we seek out mates to copulate to ensure out genetic lines will be passed on and that our species will survive.

As I was showering, I thought about how maybe this device isn't just for the lazy. Here are some very practical applications of the Orgasmatron (great brand name by the way):

- Bored during conference calls, bored no more! Press a little button and you'll snap to attention to ensure you at least catch the finishing speech.
- How about that long commute home on a Friday night? The traffic is ten miles long and the road crew decides to crap on your day some more by choosing this night to repaint the lines.
- It's been a long, tiring day but you are feeling rather horny, yet you don't feel like wrestling with your mate? No worries, Orgasmatron to the rescue!

If sex toys like these become more affordable for the general population, will the female population eventually choose machines over human partners for sexual gratification for 80% the time? Will the human population eventually dwindle? Will there be laws that prohibits driving while sensory circuits are overloaded? Now that, that would be an interesting law to write up.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


看了這場韓劇有好多感慨 劇情是繞著幾對年輕人的愛情故事 主角有四位 一對是比較成熟的愛 另一對是初戀那一種第一次墜入愛河的好愛你的愛 這齣韓劇不一樣的地方是 不會太托拖拉拉的 演技都不會太誇張 演出的劇情很逼真像是在那都可以發生的 裡面一位女主角外表常常讓人看起來像男生給人誤會 但是她並不在意只想做好她的事 多鑽一點錢養家 我很能體驗那個角色 因為我覺得她好像我 但是我沒有那麼開朗 她暗戀卻又講不出來的時候那種心酸我能體會 當她整個人崩潰蹲在地上痛哭時 蓋住痛的好像要撕裂的心時 我記的男主角們再開車時哭的時後也好感動因為自己也有那樣哭過 當時帶了眼鏡不知哭的那麼利害時為何還會想到是否會出車禍因為眼淚已把視線模糊鏡片也矇矇的

尹恩惠的演技在這齣戲裡讓我刮目相看 孔侑的演技也是值得尊敬的 這兩位尤其是演到重感情部分時好好看

"我喜歡你,你是男人也好,是外星人也好,我都不管,感情整理太辛苦了,我做不到,讓我們一起走下去吧 走到能走的地步"
佩服主角對愛情的執著, 勇敢的愛, 不管世人對他的看法. 如有一天當愛在我面前時, 我會有那份勇氣去緊緊抱住那份愛嗎?

Monday, February 04, 2008

Making A Statement

I love Pink's voice and all that she has to say in this ballsy, heartfelt song. Power on girl, power on.