Okay, quickly spinning through the events of the day. Worked from 11 AM - 5 PM today. It was boring. Why? Because business was molasses slow. One of the co-workers and I were waiting to leave for good part of that 6 hour shift. Good thing I was prepared for the lack of customers by bringing a book with me to read. The gas price literally changed before our eyes today jumping another 5 cents to 3.999 at the BP station across the street. Damn! $4 gas here we go! Of course the cheapest gas is the only thing I can afford right now, not that I would pay for premium on regular basis. So glad I don't really need to commute by car these days.
$16 bucks from tips yesterday for 3 hours of work. And today was worse, only $20 dollars by our count. Even the owners didn't want to come into after their son's graduation ceremony. Yah that slow. So I am avg like less than $6 bucks an hour with wages. I wonder if the sushi place downtown is hiring. Hope the business will pick up so that working is actually worth the minimum measly wage.
On other note, today marks Hillary Clinton's full endorsement of Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama. I didn't get to hear her speech first hand but read the blow by blow transcript online just now and it sounded pretty good, sincere and hopeful.
“Please don’t go there. Every moment wasted looking back keeps us from moving forward. Life is too short, time is too precious and the stakes are too high to dwell on what might have been.”
Yes, indeed, we can all benefit from that reminder in all facets of life. Do not waste time looking backwards, life is too short. I am sure that part of her speech will be quoted decades from now in books of history. Thank you Hillary Clinton for making an effort. However, there was one part of her speech that I sarcastically smirked at, the part about equality.
“Let us resolve and work toward achieving some very simple propositions: there are no acceptable limits and there are no acceptable prejudices in the 21st century in our country.”
Hillary, I know you realize that there are gay women and will you be standing up for those women as well for equal rights?
No candidate is perfect in addressing everyone's concerns. However, I do hope one day that we'll truly achieve what Hillary Clinton has mentioned today, that there are no acceptable prejudices. But my hopes for equality are not only for those of us who lives now, but also for the future generations yet to come.