Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Typical Day of Working From Home

You ever wonder what really goes on during conference calls? For thos of you who do not have the luxury/punishment of working from home, let me give you sneak peak. Following depicts conference calls and sametime messages in a typical workday for me.

st - sametime
cc - conference call

[8:30 - 9 AM - roll out of bed]
Take 3 steps to the desk, turn on the laptop
Do my morning routine
Log on via VPN, turn on sametime

[9:15 AM - getting ready for market open]
- turn on personal pc
- get the streaming quotes going
- read up on stock news
- watch cnnfn

[9:30 AM - opening bell]
- ping pong eye action between streamer and sametime
- nice green tickers nice..
- bad red tickers bad!!

[9:45 AM - in front of desk]
With the toothbrush still in one hand and mouth foaming I finish reading e-mails and did some work.

[10 AM - Ellen is on]
- finally rinse my mouth
st - manager - let's get on a call to catch up on status
st - moi - sure
cc - blah blabh blah

[10:30AM - 1 PM]
work work work

[1 PM - 2PM]
eat and work eat and work, it's amazing how long i can nurse a bowl of food

[3:30 PM - 4PM - watch ticker]
- always fun to watch the stock action toward end of the trading day

[4 - 7PM]
- work work work

This of course is one of the slower days.. that I get to do this much stock watching, sometimes it's just all work and no play for 14 hours.. which makes it a very frustrating day.

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