Saturday, September 09, 2006

Elvish Sideburns

It's been more than a month, maybe even 2 months since I last received a haircut. So a trip into Flushing, NY it is. A train, a subway, and an hour and a half later, I arrived in Flushing and headed up to my usual haircut place to see Gary - the haircut guy. He didn't earn the right to be addressed as a hair stylist and never will, not from me at least.

The place wasn't that crowded today so the assistant spent at least half an hour washing my hair. It was starting to hurt before she took me to the rinse station. Thirty minutes later, I ended up with the same haircut I get every, freaking, single time! Gary has no creative abilities when it comes to styling a look. I ended up looking 25 years younger, not particularly a fitting look when I am approaching my 30th birthday. Along with the short bangs, I also got a pair of elvishly long sideburns/bangs. Lovely.

The rest of the day turned out much better. A friend met me at Flushing Mall foodcourt where we giggled like animated Japanese girls when we smelled the familiar food and saw boards of neon lit menus. The feeding frenzy continued for about 2 hours until we were stuffed and can eat no more.

Parted in the afternoon, I headed to visit elder family friends. I was treated to a homey casual dinner and in return they found my lack of sports understanding unbelievable.

On the train ride back, I finally got to the last chapter of my most recent reading, trying to understand where is the next energy boom. Whoooohooo! Overall a very productive day. Oh, and did I mention it was gorgeous weather?

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