Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Phone Interview


Earlier today, I had my first formal phone interview since my job search begun.

The entire conversation lasted around 30 minutes. The first level of phone interview is done by the HR recruiter. Standard questions were asked:

- Why work for us?
- Why are you leaving your present job?
- Are you okay with traveling?
- Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
- Do you have any questions for me?
- Tell me about your projects?
- How much do you make currently?

I was not too happy with myself on this interview. Blame it on lack of human interaction, well more like business face to face interaction could be part, the other is just that I am not used to having to impress others or toot my own horn. Whatever my excuse is, I thought I did a bad job today.

Surprised, I was to hear that I'll be having a second phone interview with the company next week. Interesting. This time it'll be with the technical officers at the firm.

The funny thing is, when I was talking to the lady, I knew I did not sound like someone who is really excited about the job. Perhaps my inner self knows that this is not something I really want to do. What then, what are my alternatives? Thoughts of - watching stocks, browsing, working for cousins, go back to school, start online business - flashed through my mind when I answered with "I have other prospects." to HR's question - "Are you talking to other companies right now?"

It's not a lie.

Do I really want this? Million dollar question.

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