I always find myself with a smirk whenever I get a goodbye email from a fellow co-worker. Why? I guess I am just twisted that way... but it's always interesting to read the final words of folks leaving for 'greener pastures'.
Some are angry and bitter. And I do mean bitter, to the point where I sat in awe that they really do not ever, ever wan to ever work for the company again in their life. Like most that don't have the guts to say what they really mean, I do the invisible monkey clap to applaud them for their bravado.
Then there are some that are cordial, simple, and to the point. Thank you and best wishes type. Those are a bit more boring to read. Why? Cuz they are polite. If majority of the folks are interested in reading polite stuff, all these magazines would be out of business.
I love the funny and sarcastic ones.. .. just my personal opinion.
So when it came time to write my own farewell famous last words, I was quite conflicted for couple of days. Do I want to be funny? How about take a jab at the business? Do I want to be polite? Yes, but not kiss ass type I've decided and definitely don't want to burn any bridges, never know when you need to cross back again.
Writing was something I've always viewed more important than spoken word; rather it be emails, handwritten letters, greeting cards, deliverables or blogs for that matter. That finality of letters on a piece of paper is just... there, final. Once viewed you can't take back. Especially in this day and age where things are cached for say years or decades. That note you wrote can easily be recalled many many moons later, even long after you are gone from this planet.
Where was I? Oh yes, my goodbye email. I started many drafts. One thought was to write it in the format of a poem. I am glad I didn't use that! Even after 4 or 5 drafts, I didn't have anything that flowed for me. All the bits and pieces were there but it didn't flow. But I was running out of time to diddle waddle. Today is Thursday. Most of the project team are traveling back to their homes in a couple of hours. I really do want to also say goodbye in person since I will be working from home next week. So project productivity had to be sacrificed. I took about 1.5 hours to finally put together a goodbye email that I was pretty proud of. It's a mix of everything. A dash of sarcasm, a dusting of thankfulness, a sprinkle of humor, and a good dose of authenticity. Well at least I hope I came across as being authentic.
The funny thing is that as I was writing my note, I realized that I am truly thankful for the experience and what it has taught me. Some lessons took me a while to learn but I've learned it and mistakes that I've made in the past will not be made again. I haven't found entirely what I want, but I know what I don't and that's pretty darn good thing to know.
I got a little emotional when saying goodbyes to people after they saw my note. I will miss them.
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