Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth
by T. Harv Eker
I finished the latter half of this book at the library before I returned it with a late fee. But it's the library. I don't mind paying late fees for it. So on with the review...
Come on! I don't believe you if you said you said you never wondered about how the rich got rich. Not even a little curious? Yah right. So I admit it. I saw the title of the book and decided why not, give a whirl. The book surprised me.
The author had a bit of humor so that's always a good way to engage a variety of readers. What I came to realize is that what all these books about becoming rich are more like self help books. The intent of the book is to make you realize that you can be more than what you are capable of, and that being rich is not a pipe dream reserved only for those that have luck or talent. Not saying the rest of us don't, it's just that most of us is stuck at one of the following stages
1 - we haven't realized our potential
2 - we are scared to get out of our comfort zone
3 - we don't really believe that we can achieve the next level
4 - we are lying to ourselves that money is not important
It's not a thick book to read and it was written in a conversational way. The author is trying to pump up your ego as if you were at one of his seminars (which is not so subtly mentioned every other page).
At the end of the book, you know what? I do have a little more faith in myself! It's amazing how positive reinforcements can affect a person right? Some of the things I learned and which also serves as a summarization of the book:
1 - The key is to believe in yourself.
2 - Truly believe that you can make as much money as the next person and that being rich is not something to be ashamed of. Money is important to achieve the things we want to do.
3 - Need to get out of the comfort zone and dedicate yourself to a goal.
4 - You'll never be rich working for a steady income.
5 - Make your money work for you, invest, buy land.
6 - Your attitude makes a heck a lot of a difference. Think positive, you'll attract positive things. Think negative, you'll be a crap magnet.
Monday, August 28, 2006
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Pennsylvania Dutch Buffet

The planned trip to Shady Maple finally arrived. The time has come for us to step into this building. What is this place? If you can read the writing on the building it says "Shady Maple Banquets". Is it an building for big events? Well sorta. The official claim is that we are about to enter "Lancaster County's LARGEST Smorgasbord".
They weren't kidding. No false advertising there. My friend told me ahead of time it's a big place. This place was humongus! Imagine a Costco's or a BJ's... yep that's how big it was. Shady Maple is a dining place located in East Earl, PA. It serves real PA Dutch foods.. aka.. tastes great but you probably should not eat more than 2 plates type of place.
The restaurant can handle up to 1000 people. Crazy! I have never been to a buffet like this. Lines of food.. and lines of people waiting to devour the lines of food.
The food was good. Hmmm.. briskets.. 2 days later I still feel bloated! I didn't even eat that much!
After the feeding frenzy, we took a walk down to the 20,000 sq ft gift shop right below the restaurant. That's where we spotted the very very scary dolls. I've never liked dolls and this is why I never will.....ewwww.....

Wednesday, August 23, 2006
"Invictus" - By William Earnest Henley
While surfing through blog sites, I came up one that introduced me to William Earnest Henley's poem - "Invictus".
I love it. It's simple, yet it riles up the emotions.
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud,
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find me, unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishment the scroll,
I am the master of my fate;
I am the captain of my soul.
I love it. It's simple, yet it riles up the emotions.
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud,
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find me, unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishment the scroll,
I am the master of my fate;
I am the captain of my soul.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Three Months
Words came to me when I was out walking this morning.
Came back and finished in 2 hours. Here goes:
Three Months
Three months granted indirectly to find myself,
Two months left, as things calmed down.
One month left, as I mingled through blood.
All three gone and I’m still on the same ground.
Three more months, I gave myself.
Three more months to figure things out.
Three more months to make a change.
Three more months to leave this state.
One month gone, as I sat on the bench.
One month gone, as I am thrown back into things.
One more month, the deadline nears.
One more month, until I face my fears.
I am trapped in a time capsule of five or so years
Screaming loud but no one can hear.
I watch as the world goes round and round
Colors red, blue, green and white, cycles about.
Churning, night and day, churning of the mind.
Tick -- , Tock --, time slips by.
Immobilized by the very nature of what makes me
Scared by what I can’t foresee.
In my journal there’s a dialogue, pitting me against me,
A testament of my madness if I let things be.
A complete breakdown is required now
Even if that means shattering to the ground.
I will mend from the many pieces of my ragged, weary self
Start afresh, reconstructed to face new crowds.
Not quite healed I will travel forth,
Destination unknown, and there’s no reverse.
Days left until I do the deed
Days left until I leave it all behind
Days left until I regain what was me
Days left until I am set free.
Came back and finished in 2 hours. Here goes:
Three Months
Three months granted indirectly to find myself,
Two months left, as things calmed down.
One month left, as I mingled through blood.
All three gone and I’m still on the same ground.
Three more months, I gave myself.
Three more months to figure things out.
Three more months to make a change.
Three more months to leave this state.
One month gone, as I sat on the bench.
One month gone, as I am thrown back into things.
One more month, the deadline nears.
One more month, until I face my fears.
I am trapped in a time capsule of five or so years
Screaming loud but no one can hear.
I watch as the world goes round and round
Colors red, blue, green and white, cycles about.
Churning, night and day, churning of the mind.
Tick -- , Tock --, time slips by.
Immobilized by the very nature of what makes me
Scared by what I can’t foresee.
In my journal there’s a dialogue, pitting me against me,
A testament of my madness if I let things be.
A complete breakdown is required now
Even if that means shattering to the ground.
I will mend from the many pieces of my ragged, weary self
Start afresh, reconstructed to face new crowds.
Not quite healed I will travel forth,
Destination unknown, and there’s no reverse.
Days left until I do the deed
Days left until I leave it all behind
Days left until I regain what was me
Days left until I am set free.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Stock Spam
It's amazing how the days just disappears.
Wrapping up this week, I was quite annoyed when I noticed I am getting stock spammed. I was more upset because it was my GMail account! WTF, I mean the reason why created like 8 e-mail accounts is so that I would only have 1 where it's not used by anything else but friends and family, and resumes.
They got to me after all. I never knew about this type of spamming. Apparantly these spammers are a bit sneakier. They use various address and the product they are pushing on you is not in the e-mail content. Instead it's in the form of a GIF attachment. The content of the e-mail is some poetic type of writing.
It's hard to create filters for these spams cuz it's sent from different addresses. Searched online a bit, there doesn't seem to be any legal action victims can take besides forwarding the e-mails to anti-spam sites for them to list and track. But how much that'll do is unknown.
Whoever sold my e-mail out, you suck!
Wrapping up this week, I was quite annoyed when I noticed I am getting stock spammed. I was more upset because it was my GMail account! WTF, I mean the reason why created like 8 e-mail accounts is so that I would only have 1 where it's not used by anything else but friends and family, and resumes.
They got to me after all. I never knew about this type of spamming. Apparantly these spammers are a bit sneakier. They use various address and the product they are pushing on you is not in the e-mail content. Instead it's in the form of a GIF attachment. The content of the e-mail is some poetic type of writing.
It's hard to create filters for these spams cuz it's sent from different addresses. Searched online a bit, there doesn't seem to be any legal action victims can take besides forwarding the e-mails to anti-spam sites for them to list and track. But how much that'll do is unknown.
Whoever sold my e-mail out, you suck!
Sunday, August 13, 2006
Mt Tammany at the Delaware Water Gap

This is the best picture, well, best non human picture I should stress (just in case one of my friends is reading this) that I took on this trip.
The weather was absolutely gorgeous. The day started at 6:30 AM. After making sure my other friend is awake, I went about getting ready for the first hike of the summer. Wow, it was the first hike. The drive to the location was not bad at all, about an hour and a half. Beautiful to drive in the morning with little traffic. A lot of people on the road were heading for the mountains as well. Such a day to waste if not to immerse oneself in the great outdoors.
Today's goal was to climb Mt. Tammany via the red trail. The red trail is pretty steep, about say, 30-45 degrees incline and the first leg of it is very rocky. I believe some website said it's about a 30-foot high rock climb. True that. I sure got a workout.
Oh be sure to put on some bug repellant. Even at 10 am in the morning the little gnats were in our face, prehaps looking for leftover breakfast?
Where was I, yes, although it's not a long hike, 1.5 miles up to the peak, the red trail does test your legs and balance. Once you get to the top, which is named the
"Indian Head", you get to see this spectacular view of the Delaware River:

We had our lunch at the top. Enjoyed gabbing with fellow hikers, trading stories, and even had somewhat of a close encounter with 2 black bears.
It was a great day.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
The Other Half
Weddings are abound this time of the year. Yesterday, I was invited to witness another ceremony to put the official seal on commitment between 2 people, and it was a lovely event.
I think yesterday was the first time when I looked at a couple that I see the distinct difference of personalities and a voice popped in my head "She's really good for him."
My friend is or I can happily say that he was a corporate drone like me. Where our lives are run by the invisible corporate puppet master, our daily schedule revolves around requirements and deadlines. But no more, not for him at least. From mutual friends and new acquaintances at the dinner table, I learned and saw more evidences of changes in the groom after he met his now bride. Good for you H!!!! He now leaves work like a normal person, plays soccer, shakes his tush on the dance floor and there's that happiness oozing.
So that's it, magic of love. One powerful element in nature, that can so profoundly change us.
I think yesterday was the first time when I looked at a couple that I see the distinct difference of personalities and a voice popped in my head "She's really good for him."
My friend is or I can happily say that he was a corporate drone like me. Where our lives are run by the invisible corporate puppet master, our daily schedule revolves around requirements and deadlines. But no more, not for him at least. From mutual friends and new acquaintances at the dinner table, I learned and saw more evidences of changes in the groom after he met his now bride. Good for you H!!!! He now leaves work like a normal person, plays soccer, shakes his tush on the dance floor and there's that happiness oozing.
So that's it, magic of love. One powerful element in nature, that can so profoundly change us.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
That's what you'll get if you've been following the market lately. Uppppp Upppp there it goes!!! Then Bam!!! Down 100+.
Been reading a lot more financial blogs lately. The whole dynamics of price movement, psychology of trading, global events, the market ties it all together. Perfect example of how one thing leads to another, cause and effect.
So like many others, why is the market up on days where we have global terrorism threatening our very lives by blowing up planes? Esp the airline stocks? Who the hell knows.
My guess is that either America is very much in denial or that Americans are saying screw you all, we are going to live our lives the way we want, who knows what tomorrow will bring, so we'll keep buying houses that are way out of our budget, keep driving our SUVs across the 50 states, we've got to eat, our kids have to go to school.. so there! Live in the moment.
Either way, sure makes the market interesting.
Been reading a lot more financial blogs lately. The whole dynamics of price movement, psychology of trading, global events, the market ties it all together. Perfect example of how one thing leads to another, cause and effect.
So like many others, why is the market up on days where we have global terrorism threatening our very lives by blowing up planes? Esp the airline stocks? Who the hell knows.
My guess is that either America is very much in denial or that Americans are saying screw you all, we are going to live our lives the way we want, who knows what tomorrow will bring, so we'll keep buying houses that are way out of our budget, keep driving our SUVs across the 50 states, we've got to eat, our kids have to go to school.. so there! Live in the moment.
Either way, sure makes the market interesting.
It's All Coming Back ..... And Out
Do you ever remember a meal?
Well, I am getting not so subtle reminders of my feeding frenzy over Popeyes chicken bucket from 2 days ago. In fact, I think I had anal leakage of chicken fat. Yes, if you think it's gross reading about it, imagine sitting in the bathroom smelling it, with it leaking out of your body orifice. It is true that if you mostly eat a vegetarian diet, once you eat meat or oily stuff, you'll know the difference. Proof is in the pudding, if you know what I mean.
Other random thoughts.. Stopped by blockbuster during my late night walk and what I saw there mildly surprised me. Have you checked out your local Blockbuster lately? Do you see the increase in the number of Japanese horror flicks!! And what's more surprising is the Japanese anime section.
Soon, someone will catch on to that Asians love to watch soap. I am just wondering which one will it be, Blockbuster or Netflix, to nab the Asian soaps.
Yuck, still tasting the chicken grease coming up my throat.. that teaches me to binge on fried food.
I just found out about AIM Phoneline, the free internet phone service from AIM. So the deal is that you get to pick a local phone number that others can call. The call goes through AIM program and alerts you when someone is calling. Click to answer and viola, you got phone service through your fav headset. So far, pretty happy with the quality.
Well, I am getting not so subtle reminders of my feeding frenzy over Popeyes chicken bucket from 2 days ago. In fact, I think I had anal leakage of chicken fat. Yes, if you think it's gross reading about it, imagine sitting in the bathroom smelling it, with it leaking out of your body orifice. It is true that if you mostly eat a vegetarian diet, once you eat meat or oily stuff, you'll know the difference. Proof is in the pudding, if you know what I mean.
Other random thoughts.. Stopped by blockbuster during my late night walk and what I saw there mildly surprised me. Have you checked out your local Blockbuster lately? Do you see the increase in the number of Japanese horror flicks!! And what's more surprising is the Japanese anime section.
Soon, someone will catch on to that Asians love to watch soap. I am just wondering which one will it be, Blockbuster or Netflix, to nab the Asian soaps.
Yuck, still tasting the chicken grease coming up my throat.. that teaches me to binge on fried food.
I just found out about AIM Phoneline, the free internet phone service from AIM. So the deal is that you get to pick a local phone number that others can call. The call goes through AIM program and alerts you when someone is calling. Click to answer and viola, you got phone service through your fav headset. So far, pretty happy with the quality.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Crap Magnet
You ever notice how when you are down everything and everyone seems to be pushing on your head making you feel lower and lower, crappier and crappier?
Well at least so it seems. Morning was goooooorgeous. Bit chilly than other days, but goooooorgeous... slight breeze, bright blue skies, fluffy clouds. I am sitting outside eating my cereal and reading the new library book that I brought back from my t-shirt clinging, sweat permeated walk last night, when I read this passage:
When you are complaining you become a living, breathing
"crap magnet".
Great. Now I am a crap magnet. Have been for last 3 years. It's true right? When you complain you need someone to affirm your crappiness. You don't need someone there to tell you to shutup and move on. You want to hear others complain about similar situations, to agree with you that everything that's going wrong is because of the situation, not you. Not ever. So I fit the description of a "victim", according to the book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.
Funny thing was when I came back from the lib, my cousin saw the 2 books I brought back and pointed out, "Hmm... The Universe In A Single Atom by Dali Lama and Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, what are you looking for spiritual freedom or financial freedom?" In response, I said, "I am a very spiritual 21st century person, who wants spiritual freedom and also financial freedom!"
Well at least so it seems. Morning was goooooorgeous. Bit chilly than other days, but goooooorgeous... slight breeze, bright blue skies, fluffy clouds. I am sitting outside eating my cereal and reading the new library book that I brought back from my t-shirt clinging, sweat permeated walk last night, when I read this passage:
When you are complaining you become a living, breathing
"crap magnet".
Great. Now I am a crap magnet. Have been for last 3 years. It's true right? When you complain you need someone to affirm your crappiness. You don't need someone there to tell you to shutup and move on. You want to hear others complain about similar situations, to agree with you that everything that's going wrong is because of the situation, not you. Not ever. So I fit the description of a "victim", according to the book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind.
Funny thing was when I came back from the lib, my cousin saw the 2 books I brought back and pointed out, "Hmm... The Universe In A Single Atom by Dali Lama and Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, what are you looking for spiritual freedom or financial freedom?" In response, I said, "I am a very spiritual 21st century person, who wants spiritual freedom and also financial freedom!"
Monday, August 07, 2006
I finally finished the book Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell. To sum it up, this book directs our attention to something we humans pay so little attention to each day yet it's something that affects possibly every thought we have -- our perception.
As humans we are lucky enough to be granted vision and a brain that can correlate and process amazing amount of information in an instant and thus we are armed with a double edge sword. In a blink of an eye, our brains takes in the snap shot offered to us through the sensory organ and there dissects it into millions of different pieces and based on what we see and our gut feelings, past experiences, and culture, we piece it all back and form an opinion about something.
The book offers many examples of how our perception influences our thoughts and behaviors. It hits both ends of the spectrums, recognizing a fake piece of art work even though all current evidences and tests are saying it's a genuine article to the incident where several cops open fired on an innocent man when they thought they saw him pull out a gun, but later to find out the killed man was only trying to pull out his wallet to show proof of ID.
When I finished the last page, the line from Spiderman "With great power, comes great responsibility" popped into my head. Within each one of us we have the capability to take in thousands of factors and formulate an opinion/thought in a split second based on all the input. Malcolm Gladwell has successfully heightened my awareness that yes, what we see does influence our thoughts greatly without us even realizing it. As much as we would all like to say that "no I don't fall in the category of 'judging a book by its cover' , we all do it whether we like it or it.
As humans we are lucky enough to be granted vision and a brain that can correlate and process amazing amount of information in an instant and thus we are armed with a double edge sword. In a blink of an eye, our brains takes in the snap shot offered to us through the sensory organ and there dissects it into millions of different pieces and based on what we see and our gut feelings, past experiences, and culture, we piece it all back and form an opinion about something.
The book offers many examples of how our perception influences our thoughts and behaviors. It hits both ends of the spectrums, recognizing a fake piece of art work even though all current evidences and tests are saying it's a genuine article to the incident where several cops open fired on an innocent man when they thought they saw him pull out a gun, but later to find out the killed man was only trying to pull out his wallet to show proof of ID.
When I finished the last page, the line from Spiderman "With great power, comes great responsibility" popped into my head. Within each one of us we have the capability to take in thousands of factors and formulate an opinion/thought in a split second based on all the input. Malcolm Gladwell has successfully heightened my awareness that yes, what we see does influence our thoughts greatly without us even realizing it. As much as we would all like to say that "no I don't fall in the category of 'judging a book by its cover' , we all do it whether we like it or it.
Friday, August 04, 2006
Ups and Downs
The stock market for one, suits the up and down pattern.
What is it with this market? I got cash waiting on the side trying to find a good spot to get in and everytime I am just about to jump in the market does a 180.
Fed meeting coming up and job reports coming up. Should be very interesting to watch. Definitely more interesting that what I've been working on, which amounts to desire to finish work but mostly end up conked out after 11pm. Perhaps it's part of getting older? Maybe my body knows that I am about to reach the big 3 0. OOOO.... Ahhh.....
Why 30? Why is that labeled a big one? What is so special about turning 30? Gosh, it's depressing just thinking about it..
Anyways.. wanted to post before I fall succumb to the beckoning of my bed. Couple more documents to read then it's time to hit the pillows.
What is it with this market? I got cash waiting on the side trying to find a good spot to get in and everytime I am just about to jump in the market does a 180.
Fed meeting coming up and job reports coming up. Should be very interesting to watch. Definitely more interesting that what I've been working on, which amounts to desire to finish work but mostly end up conked out after 11pm. Perhaps it's part of getting older? Maybe my body knows that I am about to reach the big 3 0. OOOO.... Ahhh.....
Why 30? Why is that labeled a big one? What is so special about turning 30? Gosh, it's depressing just thinking about it..
Anyways.. wanted to post before I fall succumb to the beckoning of my bed. Couple more documents to read then it's time to hit the pillows.
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