That's what you'll get if you've been following the market lately. Uppppp Upppp there it goes!!! Then Bam!!! Down 100+.
Been reading a lot more financial blogs lately. The whole dynamics of price movement, psychology of trading, global events, the market ties it all together. Perfect example of how one thing leads to another, cause and effect.
So like many others, why is the market up on days where we have global terrorism threatening our very lives by blowing up planes? Esp the airline stocks? Who the hell knows.
My guess is that either America is very much in denial or that Americans are saying screw you all, we are going to live our lives the way we want, who knows what tomorrow will bring, so we'll keep buying houses that are way out of our budget, keep driving our SUVs across the 50 states, we've got to eat, our kids have to go to school.. so there! Live in the moment.
Either way, sure makes the market interesting.
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