This is the best picture, well, best non human picture I should stress (just in case one of my friends is reading this) that I took on this trip.
The weather was absolutely gorgeous. The day started at 6:30 AM. After making sure my other friend is awake, I went about getting ready for the first hike of the summer. Wow, it was the first hike. The drive to the location was not bad at all, about an hour and a half. Beautiful to drive in the morning with little traffic. A lot of people on the road were heading for the mountains as well. Such a day to waste if not to immerse oneself in the great outdoors.
Today's goal was to climb Mt. Tammany via the red trail. The red trail is pretty steep, about say, 30-45 degrees incline and the first leg of it is very rocky. I believe some website said it's about a 30-foot high rock climb. True that. I sure got a workout.
Oh be sure to put on some bug repellant. Even at 10 am in the morning the little gnats were in our face, prehaps looking for leftover breakfast?
Where was I, yes, although it's not a long hike, 1.5 miles up to the peak, the red trail does test your legs and balance. Once you get to the top, which is named the
"Indian Head", you get to see this spectacular view of the Delaware River:

We had our lunch at the top. Enjoyed gabbing with fellow hikers, trading stories, and even had somewhat of a close encounter with 2 black bears.
It was a great day.
whoa...I just realized we either know each other or have mutual friends. Who's this??
keep guessing
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