A bit startled to see my last post was practically a month ago. Oh well there goes that resolution to blog more often. Not that I don't have much thoughts, it's just that I don't log it. So what transpired in a month? Hmm.. not so much different, moved, unpacked, packed, unpacked, reorganized, oh yah that reminds me, I should make a Target run tomorrow to get some bins for my Anthro. Hmm.. that's a good idea.. eBay, wonder if there's anything there that I can add to my Anthrocart collection. If there's a way to paint the top layer of the Anthrocarts that'll be even better. What is that part called, laminates? Is that it?
Where was I? Oh yes, what happened.. same old, trips to hospitals, visiting my dad's friends and then unpacking, stock market cursing and basically just watching. A lot of research done on stocks recently, my views of the imminent correction is coming back again, but I've been wrong many times before. Most of the cash will probably just sit there, gathering dust, and then I'll finally be overcome by the urge to trade and then buy at the top of the peak, THEN, only then will the market come tumbling down. Maybe I'll cry then.. who knows. I've only cried over stocks when I was on margin. Yah, the foolish days of youth, margin is a no no .. whoever invented that concept was probably a relative of Satan, or might just be the old devil himself.
Other researched items are bicycles. Getting a bike is on the top of my list right now. "Why! It's winter you nut!" one might be screaming, yes, I know it's winter, thus the frugal me wanted to see if there are any closeout sales to save a buck or two. One thing I overlooked in my scheme to not get ripped off, was the fact that I am not within the normalized range of the bell curve. My height and stand over height (ie.. pubic to floor measurement) is on the short side. Unfortunately for me, most of the US population is above 5' 5". It's really hard to find bikes that fit me. We are people too you know!!!!!
So that's what's been happening. Very exciting, I know. I am living it.
That's about it. There, isn't it amazing, 1 month of activities summed up in several paragraphs. Maybe my biography won't be that hard to write after all. For one, I don't recall most of the events that happened less than a year ago. Two, not much transitioned through the years. Well, I think I've gotten much more cynical. That should be the interesting part to write about.
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