Friday, November 23, 2007


While I was sitting in the patients family and friends room tonight, the 700 Club came on. The host of the show was talking about how many of us have forgotten the true meaning of Thanksgiving that it's not to thank the Native Americans but that it was first established by the president to thank the Lord for the country and all the things that make the country a great one.

For those of us that are not as religious I think Thanksgiving is expanded to thanking whatever we feel like is worth thanking. Friends, family, God, Buddha, or all that gave us strength and brought on some happiness. Could be our pets too.

This year, walking down the empty hallways of the hospital, I thought about the men and women in the medical profession. I still view the medical profession as one of the most respected and honorable fields to go into. How great it is to know that what you do each day directly makes an impact on someone else's lives? You relieve pain, you give comfort, you provide support to not only the patients themselves but also their circle of support.

Thank you, nurses and doctors everywhere. Thank you.

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