Thursday, December 13, 2007
Welcome Back
I don't know.
Friday, November 23, 2007
For those of us that are not as religious I think Thanksgiving is expanded to thanking whatever we feel like is worth thanking. Friends, family, God, Buddha, or all that gave us strength and brought on some happiness. Could be our pets too.
This year, walking down the empty hallways of the hospital, I thought about the men and women in the medical profession. I still view the medical profession as one of the most respected and honorable fields to go into. How great it is to know that what you do each day directly makes an impact on someone else's lives? You relieve pain, you give comfort, you provide support to not only the patients themselves but also their circle of support.
Thank you, nurses and doctors everywhere. Thank you.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Surgery Date and The Waiting
6:03 AM, we pulled into the parking lot.
Our arrival was announced through the entire hospital by my incredibly squeaky sneakers. Tried as I might to walk quietly the squeaking continues. Pop was wide awake already. He complained of poor sleep all night due to the snoring from his roommate. Which I have to agree, the gentlemen is rather loud. No wonder his son couldn't get much shuteye.
Two jackets did the trick to cover up the openings of the gown so that his bare ass and back are covered. He's not comfortable displaying the family jewels. Hell I would be too. Now that he's more modestly covered, we made our way down the hall, around the corner to the patient family room to make some phone calls. Pop called auntie and mom overseas to assure them everything will be okay and that we'll call after the surgery.
Almost two years later, we are again prepping for surgery to deal with pop's cancer. This time around things are much different. We had time to prepare for the battle adequately this year. The chemo, the rests in between, the time he had to condition his body to a healthier state should prepare him much better for the operation. Me too, I had more time to prepare. This time, I am not boarding a plane the day before the surgery, rushing from US back to Taiwan. I still remember that flight in 2004. The whole time on the plane, I was hoping we will not get delayed so that I can make it to the hospital in time to see pops before he goes under the knife. The doctor wanted to wait for me as well to see my dad. That was not comforting at all to know your father's doctor wanted to give you a chance to see him before surgery starts. As soon as I got off the plane, it was a mad dash to run to customs, praying that the lines were not long. I was already an hour late according to the scheduled operation time. Grabbing my luggage, finally headed out toward the gates to see who came to pick me up. Cousin Charles waved me down and after some pleasantry exchanges, he drove like a wannabe race driver, while calling my aunt at the hospital to inform her the pickup has been made and we are on our way there.
Not much conversation during the car ride. Hearts were heavy and really there's not much needed to be said at this point. Finally, when we arrived at the hospital, my uncle in law was waiting for me outside the hospital to usher me in, through the mazes to get to my dad.
The first thing I noticed when I stepped into that hospital room back in 2004 was how flushed my dad looked. His bloodshot eyes and his red face, a sure sign of his skyrocketing blood pressure. After dropping off my backpack and reassurance to my dad, I was rushed to see the surgeon. My aunt came with me this time. The surgeon came out of one of the OR rooms and still with his mask on explained how there are risks to the surgery, especially the stress that will be placed on his heart. He'll do his best.
With much fanfare, my dad was placed on the stretcher and along we go, the whole gang of his friends and family trailing along to see him off to the OR room. 2008, the trip to the OR was quiet in comparison. Just my brother and I with the nurses to escort him to the elevator. One short ride up to the second floor and it was time to see him off. I just said we'll be waiting for him on the third floor. He nodded and made a sound to indicate he heard.
Now we wait. The surgery was scheduled to start at 8:30 AM and last roughly 3.5 hours.
The wait begins.
Monday, November 19, 2007
We Are In
Sunday, November 18, 2007
The Night Before
My parents are conversing via GoogleTalk. The marvels of technology is truly convenient and cheap too. An one hour call between the States and China on mobile would've cost quite a bit. But with messaging clients, we can go on for hours.
Oh God.. very very disturbing image on TV. Duran Duran lead singer is wearing a pair of pants that's show casing which way he hangs. Righty eh mate? I don't care if you are a gorgeous Greek God, there's no need for anyone to see the silhouette of your nuts poking about the crotch of your pants.
Anyways... tis the night before check in date. Tomorrow we'll head to the hospital to check in for the surgery on Tuesday. I don't' know how anxious my dad is feeling, haven't really asked him. I am somewhat feeling detached. As if this is just another day to day routine. Perhaps it's my way of not getting too emotional.
It's an early day tomorrow. Time to head to bed.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Alarms and Dreams
Although it did help me preserve what I dreamed of this morning. Not necessarily good dreams. Visits of past memories that haunts me every now and then. What would've if things were different. The other dream was about driving in a little car, possibly the Honda Fit and accidentally scraping against a parked car by the side of the hill as I tried to squeeze pass them. Guess I, my car are not as slim as I'd thought. Immediately I got out of the car, rushed to the sorry vehicle that I rammed into. The scraping didn't' do much damage to the body. The metal left door panel on the sedan took all the heat. It was slightly indented but unfortunately enough so that the door can't really be opened. The passengers of the car were okay. An Indian woman and her mother was about to go somewhere. Not anymore, plans ruined and insurance companies were called to deal with the accident. Strangely, the next segment of my dream was like a 3 minute sales pitch of AllState using the story of how the insurance company took care of the lady so that she was better off than before the accident. I can't believe the dam commercials are getting into my dreams!! WTF..
Anyways... hmm it's already 4 hours since I've been awake. Skimmed some Black Friday ads and deal sites. Started back to scan more paper and toss things I really don't need to keep.
Purging is a good process for the psyche.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
ScanSnap S510 - My New Love
I waited impatiently for the UPS man to arrive with my package yesterday. As soon as the brown truck pulled along the side of the curb, I was out the door greeting the delivery man. First glimpse of my new office mate was quite exciting. Come to think of it, I should've taken a picture with the UPS man holding my spanking new ScanSnap S510, although he probably wouldn't have time to spare since this is holiday season and all - many more packages to deliver.
I want to clarify, this is a document scanner we are talking about.. not some other plastic mechanism. PG people.. PG...
Ah.. I was giggly when I first held my love. It's packaging was just about the same size as my XP Shuttle. Quite tiny. Once I safely carried it into my room, it was time to examine the goods.
Out came the instruction manual, the warranty card, the power, and then... behold.. the main prize - tada! My own super duper scanner. Bliss. Total bliss. I took several snapshots of this glorious occasion with my camera. These are the moments worth remembering.
Yes, Christmas has came early for me. If you are not troubled by the endless amounts of paper piled up in your office, in the endless folders crammed into the cabinets and desk drawers, you'll have little appreciation for any type of scanning equipment. If you are one of the lucky ones, this post will not be too interesting. But if you share my enthusiasm to reduce paper records, read on!
Gotten a little off track there, here we go, back to the magnificent machine.
There are several CDs that came with the machine, the Acrobat 8 Standard (with supported languages: Brazilian, Portuguese, Norwegian, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, English, French, and German), the ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap 3.0, ScanSnap S510 Setup CD, and the trial version of Rack2-Filer V4.0. A little good follower of steps and procedures, I actually opened the manual and read the instructions to setup my ScanSnap. The process was relatively straightforward. Install the Acrobat, the ABBYY FineReader, the ScanSnap apps, and then plug in the scanner to the computer and power it on.
Once the little green button lights up, it was time to give it a whirl. Where to start? I have so many things to scan in. After a 10 second deliberation, I decided to tackle my medical files from several years back. Reading from other posts that staple holes sometimes can jam the feeder, I was careful to remove the staples from the pages and did a quick smoothing out of the punctured holes. Once my preferences for Scan button was set, it was time to scan.
Placed the document on the feeder and one press of the big, green button. Before I even had the chance to get out of my chair and do my happy dance while singing "Happy happy joy joy, happy happy joy joy!" the first page of my document was already scanned, sitting pretty in the designated folder, all ready for me to rename it to my liking.
Fast! So fast!
Within 3 hours, I think I've scanned and organized over 150 pages already. And 90% of that time was spent OCRing, renaming the PDF files, moving them to the correct folders. Pretty dam impressive. If I had to use my flatbed, I would've probably only gotten through 30 pages over that same period.
The OCR is great and the ScanSnap manager software is quite easy to use. The scanned documents using scan image 'Better' was good enough for me.
If anyone is looking for a document scanner, that's fast and simple to use, I highly recommend getting a Fujitsu ScanSnap S510 (windows, for those in the Mac tribe, look for S510M). I purchased this scanner for documents only. For my photos, I will still stick to using a flatbed for the sole reason that not matter what, for photos, I do not like the idea of anything moving touching the photos.
Now, I just need to find a good place to safely store all my electronic data... that's for another day and another research project.
Invest in a good document scanner and be on your merry way to becoming clutter free!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Recent family drama upped my blood pressure a bit. The mantra "breathe, just breathe, calm down...think of happy things..." is repeated over and over, that and flashes of Xena videos pops into mind, noticeably distracting me.
I never got how people can relieve stress by shopping or eating, but I think I do now. It's a way of release some pent up energy. All that explosive feelings gotta go somewhere! I didn't binge eat, but I did decide to treat myself and make the most expensive purchase I've made so far .. I stress so far.. this year .... *drum rolls*.... one Fujitsu ScanSnap S510 coming right up!
Pretty pissed I'd say when I found out the Amex MyWishList is not offering Amazon coupons cuz I passed up the deal couple weeks ago when they had the ScanSnap with $50 rebate. But, I guess the S510 model is going to be replaced soon because the $50 dollar rebate is back again! So after much deliberation and rational justification to myself about how it'll save me so much time when I can scan over 15 ppm vs 1 with my current 6 years old flatbed, get rid of most of the paper and the stacks of magazines sitting there collecting dust, the credit card whipped out and the Finish button was pressed to send my beloved Fujitsu into my open waiting arms. The purchase for my latest office gear was made at 1 am this morning. I wonder how fast my lovely will get to me..
It's amazing to find kindred spirits through the blogs. There are many of us out there that feel the need to scan and keep keep documents/articles/magazines... and the best part is that I'll be able to search through them once they are OCRed!!! Now that's cool. I can't wait to see how well the OCR will pick up the scanned magazine pages. I will pace myself and start with 30 pages of scanning a day. That should be around 3 minutes of scanning and then possibly 1 hour of renaming the documents. Ahh.... about 1 thousand pages to get rid of... would take me roughly 35 hours? Not bad at all! Under 2 months I should be able to get rid of 80% of the paper. Sweet!!!!!
I feel better now.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Fujitsu ScanSnap Reviews
One extremely detailed entry on how the Fujitsu ScanSnap cleared up his paper world. But oh, there's lots more, keep reading the comments below the article and you'll discover options about backing up files and one mega paper cutter:
Workflows using ScanSnap
MacWorld's review
ITReview's review
Another review by a Mac User
Sold on it yet?
Friday, November 09, 2007
The Quest for the Ultimate Document Scanner
Truly everyone can agree that faced with any of the above tasks, you'd rather scrub the toilet, clean out that fridge, or even sit down and schedule all your bill payments for the next month. Having done all three gruesome exercises multiple times within the last 3 months, I have come to a decision that, really, I can do without a lot of things. Call it an epiphany or perhaps I am just sick of lugging stuff around, but seriously there's just too much stuff!
Oh the big items are the easy ones to deal with to organize.. but what about all the trinkets!! All the little pieces of memorabilia that I have collected over the years, ticket stubs to movies, Broadway show programs, letters (yes the good old pen and paper type), cards, yearbooks, magazines with articles that I believe I'll read again, what about those! Where do you put all that! Add to it, the records. Those dam records, I can't throw them away and they weigh a ton, easily taking up half of my small room. Organizing documents is one of the most time consuming (yet, sadistically satisfying) task which I've spent countless hours on. Scanning pages after pages into PDF format so I can get rid of the paper copies.
My little Umax Astra 3400 flatbed scanner has served me well over the years, hmm, has it been over 5 years? nevermind that, but it just won't do anymore. With all the advances in paperless billing, one would think the amount of paper received through the mail would be tremendously reduced -- Ehhh, wrong! Now more than ever, the paper just keeps on coming. Scanning using a flatbed simply takes too long. I need something with an automatic feeder to help me scan all the pages in quickly. Thus, brought me to another research project - find the ultimate affordable document scanner.
Fujitsu ScanSnap is one of the models that came up in my searches. Call it affordable is a stretch if you are on my budget of currently unemployed. But the thought of being able to scan duplex, 16 pages a minute has my mouth watering. Think of all the time I would save not having to flip open the flatbed scanner lid, place the paper on the glass plate, close the lid, click several buttons and wait for PDF to finish creating the 2D version of my document. 3 minutes later, viola.. finally I can shred the original. To persuade myself that, yes, the $ tag on the ScanSnap is worth it, I went on the web to search for reviews by actual users. I trust the blogs more than official so called product review magazines. I was pleasantly surprised by the number of entries and the quality of the entries. It's always a pleasure to find good, informative writing. For example, the following entry by a blogger:
I just need to order to the thing and get on the track of becoming even more paperless. Two boxes, that's my goal. That's the limit I want to place on keeping actual physical documents. Everything else should be PDF and OCRed so I can search using full text later on if needed.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Where was I? Oh yes, what happened.. same old, trips to hospitals, visiting my dad's friends and then unpacking, stock market cursing and basically just watching. A lot of research done on stocks recently, my views of the imminent correction is coming back again, but I've been wrong many times before. Most of the cash will probably just sit there, gathering dust, and then I'll finally be overcome by the urge to trade and then buy at the top of the peak, THEN, only then will the market come tumbling down. Maybe I'll cry then.. who knows. I've only cried over stocks when I was on margin. Yah, the foolish days of youth, margin is a no no .. whoever invented that concept was probably a relative of Satan, or might just be the old devil himself.
Other researched items are bicycles. Getting a bike is on the top of my list right now. "Why! It's winter you nut!" one might be screaming, yes, I know it's winter, thus the frugal me wanted to see if there are any closeout sales to save a buck or two. One thing I overlooked in my scheme to not get ripped off, was the fact that I am not within the normalized range of the bell curve. My height and stand over height (ie.. pubic to floor measurement) is on the short side. Unfortunately for me, most of the US population is above 5' 5". It's really hard to find bikes that fit me. We are people too you know!!!!!
So that's what's been happening. Very exciting, I know. I am living it.
That's about it. There, isn't it amazing, 1 month of activities summed up in several paragraphs. Maybe my biography won't be that hard to write after all. For one, I don't recall most of the events that happened less than a year ago. Two, not much transitioned through the years. Well, I think I've gotten much more cynical. That should be the interesting part to write about.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Held Breath
Thank the high powers, all those that were rooting for my dad, the chemo worked!! No signs that the cancer has spread and it looks like the body is fighting hard along the side of the drugs to kill those bastard cancer cells.
Pop was very excited when I translated and the relief was evident through his eyes and smile. The doc said the radiologist was shocked to learn that what he saw in the CT Scan was not a scar from previous cancer but actually the cancer itself when compared to the scans taken prior to the treatment.
2 more cycles of chemo treatment was prescribe to hopefully shrink down the tumor/cancer more so that the surgery will be simpler to perform and minimize the area that will have to be taken out along with the tumor.
Text messages were sent and phone calls were made to inform family and friends of the good news. Battle on pop, battle on, it's not over but we are winning.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
The grudge I am talking about is the grudge I hold. I am petty, yes, petty. When I am rubbed the wrong way, I remember and I don't let go lightly. Petty that's right. Kinda ironic for a person whose memory seems to be on its last leg. Memory is selective after all.
Oooo...Gremlins is on. Now that was a iconic movie. Gizmo is so cute.
Anyways, sidetracked, what was I saying... oh yes, I hold grudges. But doctors makes it dam hard to hold it for long. I was really really pissed at my dad over the past couple days cuz all this time that we stayed at Atlantic City, he only drank one bottle of the protein drinks he was suppose to ingest to help him maintain his weight and to flush the chemo crap out of his system.
If he doesn't care about his body why the hell am I so worried about his liver and kidneys when there's nothing that I can do other than to hold him down and force quarts of liquid down his throat and the likelihood of that scenario playing out is pretty slim.
I remained my coat of silence to protest against his behaviour over the last 2 days. Maybe I am not ready to accept that he should live however he want right now cuz who knows when his time is up. Petty and hypocrite that I surely am. Carpe Diem! Isn't that suppose to be the model of living? Live as if you were dying? So whats the harm of him enjoying several days of break away from the constant reminders that he's going through chemo treatment to extend his life? I am just not ready.
Today's doc visit was to meet with pop's primary physician here in Philly area. The doc made a comment under his breath intended for my ears only that what is the most pressing concern obviously is the chemo treatment and the gastric cancer and that the prognosis doesn't look good.
So how do you hold a grudge when you are reminded that your dad's health condition and that he might be on borrowed time?
Petty, hypocritical, and utterly stubborn. Adjectives of the week.
Monday, September 17, 2007
The Day Before
Countdown to the notorious Fed day ladies and gentlemen. I've waiting for this day for a while now. I really hope the market tanks so that I get a chance to get in at a decent level. I just think it's a bit too high right now with all the uncertainty - will we get into another war, can the BRIC countries keep up with the eye popping pace, US liquidity problems and how much will that affect the rest of the world?
Please fall.. fall big.. fall fall falll!!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Although it's quite satisfying to file away things in its rightful folders, it's awfully time consuming. To reward myself, 6 hours of House marathon and bags of snacks seemed reasonable. At least now I should be all caught up and won't be lost when the new season of TV finally starts.
It's late. I should sleep, but ...
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Train Inspired
Moments like those inspires me, and words came, I guess that's what happens when your mind clears of other clutters and it amazes you once in a while on spewing out things. "You will it... " that's what my mind said to me. With that, I finished the following poem while standing on corner of 28th and 3rd, waiting for friends to join me for dinner:
You will it, will it to slow.
This life, your picture show.
One blink, several segments go,
several has passed, but there's always more.
One pause, you feel the wind blow,
the blurring of the shapes,
the morphing of the sounds,
the changing of the seasons,
the cycle restarts.
You will it, will it to slow.
Whispering - "This, I want more."
Thursday, August 09, 2007
First Day On The Road To Recovery
Technology certainly makes waiting time more tolerable. On the way to the hospital, 90% of the time, Betsy's slightly monotoned voice prompts are the only sounds heard in the car. Betsy, my trusty Garmin breaks the silence every so often to tell me how to get to Fox Chase, even though after 20 plus trips, one would've thought that I should have the roads memorized by now.
About 10 minutes have passed and so far so good... knock on wood. No signs of adverse reactions from the OXALIplatin as pop receives his treatment of the chemo drug through his port. This past 2 weeks I've learned a bunch about chemotherapy, radiation, affects of these toxic but ironically life saving medicines.
There are around 20 beds in the infusion room. This is the room where the chemotherapy drugs are administered. It's quite a lively room, with sounds of TVs, nurses talking, family members/friends gabbing away. Some of the patients are sleeping, some looks into the fuzzy TVs, and others like pop are reading. I've brought Harry Potter along, but this seems like a good time to reflect and write.
Bless this place for having internet access.
I think, well I know pop is probably quite nervous. On the way here, I really didn't know what to say. Never one to sugar coat things, I just reminded him what to watch out for, ie.. careful handling of chemo drugs. Either urinated out or vomited out. Probably not the best thing to have said. Although, I did ask him if he was ready. Pop replied something to the sort that this is it, nothing he can do about ready or not ready.
Nurses went over the potential side affects again, the cold sensitivity, nausea and the mouth sores in particular. Hopefully, the injected anti-nausea medication will do its job and keep pop feeling normal. Weight gain is of the up most priority right now.
Almost lunch time now, getting hungry.
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Marilyn Manson and Evan Rachel Wood
Why.. is all I can think of.. very very odd couple. As I started to judge, I realize that hell I am being discriminating as well. If she wanted to be with someone that's her beeswax..
Onto the next article..
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Goodbye... Goodbye

I always find myself with a smirk whenever I get a goodbye email from a fellow co-worker. Why? I guess I am just twisted that way... but it's always interesting to read the final words of folks leaving for 'greener pastures'.
Some are angry and bitter. And I do mean bitter, to the point where I sat in awe that they really do not ever, ever wan to ever work for the company again in their life. Like most that don't have the guts to say what they really mean, I do the invisible monkey clap to applaud them for their bravado.
Then there are some that are cordial, simple, and to the point. Thank you and best wishes type. Those are a bit more boring to read. Why? Cuz they are polite. If majority of the folks are interested in reading polite stuff, all these magazines would be out of business.
I love the funny and sarcastic ones.. .. just my personal opinion.
So when it came time to write my own farewell famous last words, I was quite conflicted for couple of days. Do I want to be funny? How about take a jab at the business? Do I want to be polite? Yes, but not kiss ass type I've decided and definitely don't want to burn any bridges, never know when you need to cross back again.
Writing was something I've always viewed more important than spoken word; rather it be emails, handwritten letters, greeting cards, deliverables or blogs for that matter. That finality of letters on a piece of paper is just... there, final. Once viewed you can't take back. Especially in this day and age where things are cached for say years or decades. That note you wrote can easily be recalled many many moons later, even long after you are gone from this planet.
Where was I? Oh yes, my goodbye email. I started many drafts. One thought was to write it in the format of a poem. I am glad I didn't use that! Even after 4 or 5 drafts, I didn't have anything that flowed for me. All the bits and pieces were there but it didn't flow. But I was running out of time to diddle waddle. Today is Thursday. Most of the project team are traveling back to their homes in a couple of hours. I really do want to also say goodbye in person since I will be working from home next week. So project productivity had to be sacrificed. I took about 1.5 hours to finally put together a goodbye email that I was pretty proud of. It's a mix of everything. A dash of sarcasm, a dusting of thankfulness, a sprinkle of humor, and a good dose of authenticity. Well at least I hope I came across as being authentic.
The funny thing is that as I was writing my note, I realized that I am truly thankful for the experience and what it has taught me. Some lessons took me a while to learn but I've learned it and mistakes that I've made in the past will not be made again. I haven't found entirely what I want, but I know what I don't and that's pretty darn good thing to know.
I got a little emotional when saying goodbyes to people after they saw my note. I will miss them.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
The Day I Told
Finally I tracked him down and after he finished setting some priorities of work on my plate I asked to speak to him in his office.
Maybe I should have been a little bit more patient about spewing out my resignation statement, but never one for small talk, before my manager even had the chance to close the door fully, I turned around and said something like, "Mike, I just wanted to give you a heads up that I am resigning."
The man is stoic as ever! He should play poker was what I thought. After a brief pause, he said he was sorry to hear the news and then we went into more details of why I am leaving the company. I explained that I've thought about this for a while now but had to move up the exit date due to father's ill health. He was sorry again and thanked me for the heads up.
All was done in less than 5 minutes.. maybe even 3.
Then of course.. I got called backs about 30 minutes later on whether if I had considered taking FMLA again or leave of absence..
Nice offers definitely.. but it's time to go.
How did I feel afterwards? Maybe slightly relieved that now I can submit the resignation formally so that the separation process may begin. But not much of anything else.. my mind was on other things.
Rest of the day I shared the formal news only with several close friends.. then it's business as usual.. fix the bugs, update the config, and update the status.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Bad News
Today while out in downtown State Collge enjoying some lunch, a phone call from an unrecognized number rings. "Hello"... and the conversation begins. The doc is looking for pop to inform him of the CAT Scan results. Talking to me is the same, so I was the first that heard those words that we've dreaded..."there's an ill-defined mass"... so has the cancer come back or is it just a tumor? When will he do the biopsy in the next exam? How many were there?
Will a PET Scan be scheduled?
One question after the other. I am not surprised of the news. I had a bad feeling several weeks ago, my right eye just started jumping again. Why is it that mom and pop don't seem to be able to get a break. How am I going to tell him?
What will he think? Will pop get really depressed? Will he think of the worst? Will he ....
Until we know whether the mass is malignant or not, we shouln't jump to conclusions. The oncologist will tell us.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
It's all very sad, where did all this go wrong? How do someone grow from a tiny little baby to become a killer?
Anyways, so that prompted the thinking that all things in this universe is striving for balance. Too much rain, too little water. Too much sun, not enough light. Give the kids all the things they need or are we spoiling them? Too much work, not enough play? Too much freedom or control?
The kid was definitely off balance. How did he become that way and can we prevent tragedies in the future?
It's hard I think for all of us, society in general to take part of the blame for tragedies that happen every day. Myself is not excluded for sitting back and letting things go by. I think most of us are very detached.. prehaps detached to protect ourselves.. maybe in self denial that ugly.. very ugly things go on in this world. Things we want to distant ourselves with we tend to either ignore to delay facing reality or totally ignore it.
So what can we as humans do to prevent this? How can we as a society help steer the next generation to become humans with moral values? And is it too late for those that are walking and talking already? Can we guide the lost or troubled souls towards a healing path?
It'll take all of us to make those types of commitments. Are we ready?
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Only time I guess, time and enough self indulgence to let this course of gloom and doom run through your veins throughout each limb, run itself to exhaustion and lay to rest before you can return to your old self.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Deconstruct and Reconstruct
The colors were muted.. kinda like that grayish hue depicted in War of the Worlds. The sky was ominous, everything is just a shade grayer, a little more dustier.
- killed in a flash
- imploded, people died but afterwards they came back through another flash
- the entire world seems to be deconstructed and reconstructed by some supernatural force right infront of my eyes. I can only stand there in awe and watch houses tore down and rebuilt within minutes
- houses wiped out crumbled but the rebuilding was like moving of boxes in and out until all the houses are in a row and connected. The strange thing and almost comical if the situation wasn't about life and death was that the rebuilt houses were very colorful in this rebuilt world. They reminded me of Florida or actually more of the France style houses I seen once in Quebec.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Music Is Too Loud
I guess the hotel walls are not as thick as I thought. Seriously, how loud can the music be if it's coming from an IBM laptop?
I had the TV on until 3 am and it was pretty loud.. maybe somehow they didn't notice until I started singing.. hahah.
Ooh joys of living out of a hotel, even if it is a Hilton. Just not the same I guess. Sadly I had to turn down Sia - singing Breathe Me on YouTube. Now time to hit the treadmills before my ass completes its morphing into globs of fat.
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Most Memorable V Day
I got no food.
I got no car.....
Sounds like a beginning of a best woeful hit of 2007.
Well I have to say, this particular Valentines day takes the cake and ate it too. Morning started out with me on top of my blanket and covers on my king size Hilton bed. Alone. That was not a surprise since I did after all went to bed alone. If I didn't wake up alone, that would've been a bit weird and scary.
The world froze overnight. Hilton did a crappy job of plowing and the lot still looked treacherous. Then the boss called to say the roads are horrible. But thankfully I wasn't on the road yet. So I worked from the hotel until my stomach called for food. I donned my winter gear and headed out to the parking lot to clean off the Element.
That's when the day started to go downhill. I must have left my windshield wipers on last night and while I was scraping off the ice, I didn't realize that the wipers were trying to wipe until it was too late. By the time I turned the wipers off, the motor driving it seems to be fried. :( Not a good day. So rest of the afternoon was spent partially working but mostly looking for a dealership around here and worrying how I'll be able to get there tomorrow.
I guess it's better than not remember a Valentines day. I can tell who ever cares to ask that around midnight, I hiked to the local CVS to get myself some grub. A box of Honey Bunches of Oats, 140z of whole milk, Veryfine Apple juice and a bottle of V8.
In the cereal goes into a glass cup, pour in the milk, and with my own metal spoon, I scooped up that delicious mixture into my awaiting mouth. Hmmmmmmm...... fooood...
Happy Valentines Day.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
5,000 Calories
Today a friend came in to visit so we decided to give the new cheeseburger chain restaurant in town a try. The atmosphere was friendly and brightly lit with the old diner neon lights deco.
Gosh, I don't remember the last time I ordered a cheeseburger at a restaurant. McDonalds don't count.
The owners of the joint made a good call. The town was missing a family restaurant. Actually come to think of it.. lots of town are missing family restaurants where kids enjoy the food much more so than the adults. The place was jammed pack with wait of 25 minutes! To pass the time, we walked across the street to Duncan Donuts to kick off the night of high calorie feast.
The burger wasn't bad.. not out of this world good either. But it was just nice to sit in a place where you see families. The parents, the kids type of thing. I was amazed to see so many in one place.
Good for them.
Not so good for my figure.
Friday, February 02, 2007
All About the Timing
1 - sleep deprivation
2 - coma induced by gorging food at 9:30 PM
3 - the unbreakable habit of procrastination until very last minute
You snooze you loose. Prime example right here. Literally.
So the morning did not start off so well. Got to work, work work work, then found out that we really didn't have to be there on Friday so it was a mad rush during lunch hours to go back and checkout of the hotel.
Finished with the workshops and meeting around 7ish PM and started the mad rush to go catch the 9 PM Amtrak at BWI.
Yah, that did not work out too well.
Contributing factors to missing the 9 PM train:
0 - left at a time that didn't leave much flex room
1 - the 1 hour drive from work to Car Rental place
2 - process to wait for return of car, to shuttle to airport, to shuttle from airport to Amtrak
3 - got on the wrong bus (The bus driver gave me a short lecture on why did I get on the bus to the long term parking lot when it states on the bus that's where it's going. To my defense, I really did not look.)
So the next train was at 10:30 PM but then got delayed to 11PM.
All in all, I got back after getting a ride at around 2 AM on 02/02/07. Travel to come back took over 7 F*king hours.
Not a happy camper here.
But valuable lesson learned once more:
1 - poor time management leads to dire consequences - more time wasted
2 - waste of opportunities
3 - Avoid taking a late Amtrak train
Time for shuteye.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Nikon D50!
After I ran back up with my precious package, the Canon S45 (current camera) was put into action to document the glorious momentous unveiling of my new Nikon D50.
Pictures were snapped, flashes went off, and viola event captured. Now I just have to wait patiently for the parts to adjust to the room temperature since it's been sitting in the cold delivery facilities for the past couple of days.
Then I can charge my battery and start shooting!
Sunday, January 14, 2007
I Pulled the Trigger... on the Nikon D50
It has been a long arduous journey for me personally to decide on a camera. Wait, not just 'a camera' but my very first DSLR. Whohooo! I've always liked photography. There's so much that can be read from looking at a picture, and I want to be one of those that capture that moment.
I went to several shops, held them, shoot sample shots with them (store lighting really isn't a good indicator), went back and repeated the process several more times. I think the camera shop people are sick of me now.
Finally hit the 'buy' button for the D50. God, endless nights scouring the forums. I just don't want to regret my decision or look back and say hell.. I should've gone with the other model. But like always, I tend to over analyze things. I guess there will never be that one perfect camera, that one perfect job or that one perfect life. Just need to make a decision and go with it. I am trying. 2 months it took me to pull the trigger and I am still not sure if I'll like it.I figured that if it turns out I really do find the D50 too bulky for me to handle after shooting with it for a while, I can always sell it on eBay and recoup most of my money for it and then go for the D40 instead. I tried manual focusing on the Pentax K100D with some old manual lenses to see how it felt the other day... it was slow.... and I would definitely miss some shots if I had to manual focus with some of the primes like I would have on the D40.
Finally! It's such a relief to at least decide on a camera for now. Can't wait to get the camera and start taking pictures!
Now the long nights will be spent reading up on tripods to get. Ooooh boy ......Thursday, January 11, 2007
The call that is. I just got out of the bathroom, going for a pear in the fridge when I was notified that a call from the consulting firm is ringing on the phone.
Dropping the pear on the counter, I rushed up to get the phone just in time to hear the "Booong Boong Boong" on the line. Darn! Missed it!
Not to worry. Thanks to wonders of technology and voicemail, the recruiter regretfully informed me through the message that "they will be pursuing other candidates at this time"... aka .. "Nahh, we don't want you!"
So .. there it was, the first rejection after 7 years.
I wouldn't be honest if I didn't say I was at the least slightly disappointed. Don't get me wrong I am not going to cry me a river for not getting this job, it was mostly that my little ego was slightly bruised. Natural to feel that way right? "Why didn't they want me? Whyy whyyyy whyyy??"
Truth to be told, if I was sitting on the other side of the table, I would not hire me either. Why? Lack of enthusiasm.
I guess I am not that great of a liar nor pretender. Never was one to put on a face for too long. I even heard it in my tone while I was interviewing. If I sounded alive, maybe they would've invited me for the 3rd round.
Oh well. I got over it in 5 minutes.
Their loss! But still, would like to hear what was it that made them look the other way.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
It's A Happy Day
Roughly 40 minutes into 8, I got an appointment for the Element to get spanking new gear this afternoon. Finally! One would think that getting rear brakes and rotors would be something simple. But noooo.... in this day and age, how many of us have a trusted mechanic? Or dealer?
These day and age, I am a bit more cynical or careful if you want to put it nicer. But as a consumer, when it comes to service, it definitely does not hurt to shop around and get multiple views. So here is a rough summary of my quest to find out what actually needs to be replaced on my vehicle and not get ripped off in the process.
- took my Element into one of the Honda dealers (VIP Honda for those that live in NJ) for some fluid flush and oil change. As part of their routine checks I guess, they pointed out that all four of the brakes pads will need to be changed soon and they might not last until next oil change.
Odo reading = 44,558.
- Element went into one of the local STS mechanic shops for free brake and rotor inspection after hearing some screeching sound coming from the brakes. I was quite impressed when the mechanics actually asked me to step into the shop to show me the rotor and the brake while the tire is off. He explained somethings about the rotor which made sense when he's saying it. But to an untrained eye like mine, I doubt I'll be able to pick up whether or not a rotor has grooves that are not normal the next time I see a rotor. To me they all look like old records!
But it was the thought that count and the fact that the mechanic was willing to show me what they saw. Either we got a honest mechanic on our hands or that he was betting that I am amongst many others who knows knows nothing about rotors and brakes.
Anyways, I left the shop without anything done since the mechanics told me that my front pads still have about 50% life on them and the rotors look fine. The rear pads have 25% left and should replace the rotors at the same time within 5,000 miles.
- Went back to VIP Honda again to have my oil changed and also asked them to look at the brakes. This time instead of saying all brake pads needs to be replaced, the front pads and rotors will need to be replaced. The rear rotors are okay but need new pads.
Okay at this point I am really confused. Dealer is saying front rotors are bad, local mechanics are saying it's the rear that needs to be replaced.
- Went to the same local shop where I got my Nokian tires to see what they gotta say about my braking system. Front pad and rotors looked fine according to them. The rear pads and rotor will have to be replaced and the rotors are out of spec too thin to be replaced so that full replacement is needed. The fronts pads and rotors I were told should last at least another 5,000 miles without problem.
Yah, so this one agreed with the other local mechanic.
Okay finally went back to the STS shop and got my NAPA rotors and Honda OEM pads for the rear. Whohoooo.. I feel safer already!
I am just glad this is over. Not that I mind spending the money since safety comes first but it's just frustrating trying to figure out what exactly needs to be changed. I am still scratching my head as to why the opposite opinions between the Honda dealer and the local mechanics? One says front bad the other says its the rear!
Well, I shall find out soon enough. The next time I get on the highway and need to brake, I'll be able to tell if I still feel the pulsing when the brakes is applied at higher speeds.
The End of the Rotor Chronicles..
Thursday, January 04, 2007
2nd Phone Interview ...Much Better?
Part I - tell me about you and what you did
Part II - ask me about the company
I think I did better in the 2nd part than the first. But regardless, I sounded much more alive and actually 'interested' this round than my first talk which was with the HR department.
The interview ended with the guy thanking me for my time and he said "I look forward to seeing you." I don't know if he was just being polite or not, but at least it's not "Well, thank you for your time and have a good night."
We shall see....