Friday, April 25, 2008

Flash Content

It's wonderful how there seems to be a new service popping up every single day, feeding and enabling amateurs like myself to publish more personal content on the web. Tonight, I was introduced to a new beta service - Sprout Builder - which allows building Flash creations using mainly drag and drop user interface. Beautiful!

I spent a good hour or so playing around with its features, which are quite adequate for the the most of us. There are some great looking Flash creations from users and it's amazing to see what can be designed using the building blocks provided.

The only thing that really made me hesitate on using Sprout Builder in the future is section 7b which talks about the user submissions and how by posting, you are automatically granting certain rights to Sprout Builder. That part, I really did not like.

So from this point on, I'll just be using the site to create Flash projects that will not include photos or videos or any original forms of artwork which I would want to retain all the rights.

Still, thanks Sprout Builder for this great service. If anyone from Sprout Builder is reading, which I highly doubt, but just in case, please let users retain exclusive rights regarding their submissions, such as video or images. You can provide an option for users to selectively grant various license permission settings if they wish. If you do that, I'll definitely use the service more often and I bet many others will also be more willing to display their work using Sprout Builder.

Here's my simple little slide show of the salamander in the yard.

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