The activity goal for the day was to plant these little flowers into the severely dry grounds on the front lawn underneath this big old tree (which my brother thinks it's on it's last legs, so to speak). My contribution was to peel the degradable wrappers around the nursery plants and plant them into the holes my 59 year old mom has dug out. What! I was feeling weak! Anyways, squatting there and half way through the tray, I got a little surprise. Peeling away the wrappers, I saw these 2 slimly dark gray worm like things on the bottom of the plant entangled in the roots. Those are not worms my friend. Kinda looked like little snakes. I sat the plant down and carefully peeled away the rest of the wrappings. That's when I saw there were 2 of these little creatures, whatever they are. They have 4 feet each and a little head.
I should've have ran into the house to get my camera that second but instead, I separated them from the roots. Freed them is what I've done I like to think and used the same twig to pull them out on the ground so I can take a closer look. I think they are some type of a precursor to a frog? My mom stayed away for she's afraid of slimy things. By the time I finally realized that this is a great photo op, one of them already went into hiding so I only had the chance to do my photo Safari thing with 1 of the creatures.
Here it is:
It was a great photography experience and practice trying to shoot this little thing which can run really fast when it wants to.
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