Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Tolerance, will our generation actually see much advance on it? I sure hope so. And the whole thing about pushing marriage to be defined as tbetween a man and a woman, I haven't quite sorted out the feelings about it. I mean why should both sides be so worked up about semantics, but then it's all the implied things that goes along with the word 'marriage' that I guess everyone is fighting over. For me, if I get the same rights and benefits as a 'married' couple I can care less what you want to call it. And in part I think it's a big sarcastic joke against those that withheld the belief that marriage has to be between a man and a woman. Why do I say that? Because say for example, a woman decides she really is a guy born in the wrong body so she goes and have a sex change. Viola, instead of Jane, she becomes John. She now can go get 'married' to her long time girlfriend.

So are those people that say marriage is between a man and a woman really saying as long as you got a penis bonded to a vagina then let's call it 'marriage'? Or are they saying as long as you have a piece of paper that states one 'male' and one 'female' then it's a marriage?

Perhaps down the road we'll see a shift in the battle. The controversy will be how we define our 'gender'. Is your gender identification based on physical attributes, mental identification, or as whatever is stated on a piece of paper?

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