Thursday, April 19, 2007


The Virgina Tech tragedy has dominated the airwaves and print. It's hard to turn on the TV without hearing the latest updates about the senseless killing by a 23 year old.

It's all very sad, where did all this go wrong? How do someone grow from a tiny little baby to become a killer?

Anyways, so that prompted the thinking that all things in this universe is striving for balance. Too much rain, too little water. Too much sun, not enough light. Give the kids all the things they need or are we spoiling them? Too much work, not enough play? Too much freedom or control?

The kid was definitely off balance. How did he become that way and can we prevent tragedies in the future?

It's hard I think for all of us, society in general to take part of the blame for tragedies that happen every day. Myself is not excluded for sitting back and letting things go by. I think most of us are very detached.. prehaps detached to protect ourselves.. maybe in self denial that ugly.. very ugly things go on in this world. Things we want to distant ourselves with we tend to either ignore to delay facing reality or totally ignore it.

So what can we as humans do to prevent this? How can we as a society help steer the next generation to become humans with moral values? And is it too late for those that are walking and talking already? Can we guide the lost or troubled souls towards a healing path?

It'll take all of us to make those types of commitments. Are we ready?

Sunday, April 08, 2007


One word summed it all up. Wonder who thought of this word that describes what every one of us feels. The knit brows, the half grimace, the tightened jaws and this incredible sadness that seeps through the body as if the dark clouds will never dissipate. You try as you might, with loud music and upbeat tempos. You try again with renting laughs that comes on a shiny disc. But, nay, nothing works.

Only time I guess, time and enough self indulgence to let this course of gloom and doom run through your veins throughout each limb, run itself to exhaustion and lay to rest before you can return to your old self.