Saturday, August 12, 2006

The Other Half

Weddings are abound this time of the year. Yesterday, I was invited to witness another ceremony to put the official seal on commitment between 2 people, and it was a lovely event.

I think yesterday was the first time when I looked at a couple that I see the distinct difference of personalities and a voice popped in my head "She's really good for him."

My friend is or I can happily say that he was a corporate drone like me. Where our lives are run by the invisible corporate puppet master, our daily schedule revolves around requirements and deadlines. But no more, not for him at least. From mutual friends and new acquaintances at the dinner table, I learned and saw more evidences of changes in the groom after he met his now bride. Good for you H!!!! He now leaves work like a normal person, plays soccer, shakes his tush on the dance floor and there's that happiness oozing.

So that's it, magic of love. One powerful element in nature, that can so profoundly change us.

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