Monday, August 28, 2006

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth
by T. Harv Eker

I finished the latter half of this book at the library before I returned it with a late fee. But it's the library. I don't mind paying late fees for it. So on with the review...

Come on! I don't believe you if you said you said you never wondered about how the rich got rich. Not even a little curious? Yah right. So I admit it. I saw the title of the book and decided why not, give a whirl. The book surprised me.

The author had a bit of humor so that's always a good way to engage a variety of readers. What I came to realize is that what all these books about becoming rich are more like self help books. The intent of the book is to make you realize that you can be more than what you are capable of, and that being rich is not a pipe dream reserved only for those that have luck or talent. Not saying the rest of us don't, it's just that most of us is stuck at one of the following stages
1 - we haven't realized our potential
2 - we are scared to get out of our comfort zone
3 - we don't really believe that we can achieve the next level
4 - we are lying to ourselves that money is not important

It's not a thick book to read and it was written in a conversational way. The author is trying to pump up your ego as if you were at one of his seminars (which is not so subtly mentioned every other page).

At the end of the book, you know what? I do have a little more faith in myself! It's amazing how positive reinforcements can affect a person right? Some of the things I learned and which also serves as a summarization of the book:

1 - The key is to believe in yourself.
2 - Truly believe that you can make as much money as the next person and that being rich is not something to be ashamed of. Money is important to achieve the things we want to do.
3 - Need to get out of the comfort zone and dedicate yourself to a goal.
4 - You'll never be rich working for a steady income.
5 - Make your money work for you, invest, buy land.
6 - Your attitude makes a heck a lot of a difference. Think positive, you'll attract positive things. Think negative, you'll be a crap magnet.

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